Library Search Tools


iDiscover is a one-stop search tool that helps library users to easily search across and beyond the Library’s holdings using the following searches: 

In the search results screen, library users can easily identify if the item is a book or journal article and if the item is available online or located in the Library. They can also get an idea of the impact and popularity of an item by looking at the Scopus and Altmetric indicators. iDiscover also recommends specific databases in which users can find more information on their subject area.

In addition, library users can refine their searches by format (full-text online, scholarly & peer-review, open access, library catalogue), content type, publication date, discipline, subject terms, language and library location. Users can also see all relevant results by checking the “Add results beyond your library’s collection” check box.

Check out the overview video for a walkthrough of the features and functions of iDiscover.


Locate is a web-based OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). It is easy to use and is accessible at anytime, anywhere from any Internet-connected PCs or mobile devices.


Users can perform searches using any of the following :

In the search results screen, users can perform the following functions:

By logging in to Library InfoWeb, users are able to: