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Corporate Governance: An International Review [1997 - present]
Counselling Psychology Quarterly [2006 - 2008, 2016 - 2018]
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IET Systems Biology [2013 - present] (Free Online)
IET Wireless Sensor Systems [2013 - present] (Free Online)
Information & Communications Technology Law [2009 - 2021]
Ingenieur, The [2015 - present] (Free Online)
International Journal of Business Communication [2017 - 2019]
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Journal of Accounting and Economics (Provider: ScienceDirect Freedom Collection) [1995 - present]
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Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media [1997 - present]
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting [1997 - 2022]
Journal of Chemical Education [1924 - present]
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Journal of Finance, The (Provider: EBSCOhost Business Source Ultimate) [1946 - present]
Journal of Financial Economics (Provider: ScienceDirect Freedom Collection) [1995 - present]
Journal of Food Science [1997 - present]
Journal of Gender Studies [2022 - 2023]
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (Provider: ScienceDirect Freedom Collection) [2006 - present]
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management [1997 - present]
Journal of Intercultural Studies [2022 - 2023]
Journal of Interior Design [1999 - present]
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Journal of Multi-body Dynamics - Part K [2011 - 2017]
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Journal of Portfolio Management, The (Provider: EBSCOhost Business Source Ultimate) [2022 - present]
Journal of Power & Energy - Part A [2011 - 2017]
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Journal of Sustainable Tourism [1997 - present]
Journal of Systems & Control Engineering - Part I [2011 - 2017]
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Journal of the Academy Marketing Science (Provider: Springer Journal Collection) [1997 - present]
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