Ask a Librarian Service

Ask a Librarian is an online chat reference service. It is available during the following days and hours:

Steps to Start a Chat Session: 

a) From a desktop computer:

Step 1: Click on the “Ask a Librarian” link on the Library webpage or iDiscover page.  

Step 2: Sign in with your TAR UMT Google account credentials.

Step 3: Enter “Ask a Librarian TAR UMT” in the search box. For subsequent chat, click on the “Ask a Librarian TAR UMT” avatar or name.      

Step 4: Type your chat message.      

      NOTE: Please log out of your personal Gmail account before you begin the chat session.

 b) From a mobile device:

Step 1: Open the Google Chat  app.

Step 2: Select your TAR UMT Google account on “Choose an account” page. Click “OK”.

Step 3: Enter “Ask a Librarian TAR UMT” in the search box. For subsequent chat, click on the “Ask a Librarian TAR UMT” avatar or name.      

Step 4: Type your chat message.     


Ask a Librarian Service Guidelines