Cambridge Law Journal, The [2007, 2010 - 2014, 2016, 2024]
Capital Market Reviews [1993 - present] (Free Online)
China Economist (Provider: ProQuest Central) [2012 - present]
Communication Methods and Measures [2010 - Jan 2022]
Communication Research [1999 - present] (Free Online)
Communication Theory [1996 - present]
Communication, Culture & Critique [2008 - present]
Computers & Security (Provider: ScienceDirect Freedom Collection) [1995 - present]
Computing in Science & Engineering (Provider: IEEE/IET Electronic Library) [1995 - present]
Construction Innovation (Provider: Emerald) [2001 - present]
Construction Management and Economics [1996 - present]
Construction Management [2014 - present] (Free Online)
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly [1999 - present]
Corporate Governance: An International Review [1997 - present]
Counselling Psychology Quarterly [2006 - 2008, 2016 - 2018]
Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition [1997 - present]
Culture and Education [1999 - present]
Current Issues in Tourism [1998 - present]
Current Psychology (Provider: Springer Journal Collection) [1997 - present]